a king cobra head
an anaconda going through a swamp
Snake on sand
Baby python emerging from egg
Snake with tongue out
Snake in grass, with head raised
Close-up of a spectacled cobra's hood
Cobra ejecting venom
Snake charmer with four snakes
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King Cobra
King cobras avoid humans, but when cornered they can deliver enough venom in their bite to kill 20 people. They can also move forward while looking a 6-foot-tall (1.8-meter-tall) person in the eye, a third of their body raised up off the ground. Found in India, southern China, and Southeast Asia, king cobras are the only snakes in the world to build nests for their eggs.
Photograph by Mattias Klum


See snake pictures (including cobras, anacondas, and pythons) in this photo gallery from National Geographic.

November 18, 2009

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